CSV uploads FAQs

  1. How do I upload a CSV file to SmartReach.io?

    • Go to the Prospects tab or directly into a campaign, click Upload CSV, select your file,Check how to handle the duplicates, map the fields, and complete the import.
  2. What file format should I use for uploading prospects?

    • SmartReach supports CSV (.csv) format only. Ensure your file is properly formatted before uploading.
  3. Is there a limit to the number of prospects I can upload at once?

    • Yes, at one go you can only upload 10000 rows. If you have more, upload them in batches of 10000 if needed.
  4. What happens if my CSV has extra columns?

    • You can map extra columns to existing fields or create a new custom field for additional data.
  5. Do I need to include column headers in my CSV file?

    • Yes, including a header to a column is necessary. A CSV with empty header will not get uploaded.A header is required even if you do not want to map the column.
  6. How does SmartReach handle duplicate prospects?

    • During the upload, you can choose to overwrite, merge, or ignore duplicates based on unique identifiers like email ID, Company, First Name, Last Name.
  7. Why did my CSV upload fail?

    • Common reasons: Incorrect file format (should be .csv), Missing header to the column, Incorrect column mapping.
  8. I uploaded my file, but I can’t see the prospects. What should I do?

    • Check if they are in the correct campaign or filter by "Recently Added" in the Prospects tab. Or you can check in CSV upload logs whether the file has been uploaded properly.
  9. How can I edit prospect data after uploading?

    • You can edit individual prospects from the Prospect Management section or bulk update using a CSV re-upload and select “update field for duplicate prospect”