Hot Prospects Report
Generate reports for prospects who did some activities in your campaigns
What is a Hot Prospect Report?
Hot Prospects Report is a feature that lets a user/team generate reports for the prospects with some engagements.
How is this Report helpful?
Sales teams or users who have a lot of campaigns running in their account can generate a weekly or a 15 day report of the prospects that have opened, replied or clicked on links in an email.
This will help the users to build strategies to up their conversion rates by launching more personalised campaigns for such prospects.
Where can this report be generated?
Now, you can generate data for users who opened, clicked or replied to your emails from your campaigns
To generate the report, go to:
Step 1: Reports
Step 2:Click on Hot Prospects
Step 3: Select the campaigns that you want to generate the reports for.
Step 4: Set the Duration for 1 or 2 weeks.
Step 5: Click Download and get the report in a CSV format.
Updated 6 months ago