SPF, DKIM, DMARC - Domain hosted on Namecheap

How to setup SPF for you domain hosted on Namecheap

Step1- sign in to your Namecheap account.

Step 2 - Navigate to the “domain list”

Step 3 - You will get directed to the new page Domain List. Click on the manage tab in front of your domain

Step 4 - Navigate to Advanced DNS tab from the top menu bar

Step 5 - Click on the Add New Record tab

Step 6 - In Type: Select TXT record from dropdown.

Step 7 - In Host : Add the @ sign or specify the sub domain.

Step 8 - In value: Put the value that you receive from the email service provider.

Step 9 - Click on save all changes tab

How to setup DKIM for you domain hosted on Namecheap

Step1- sign in to your Namecheap account.

Step 2- Navigate to the “domain list”

Step 3 - You will get directed to the new page Domain List. Click on the manage tab in front of your domain

Step 4 - Navigate to Advanced DNS tab from the top menu bar

Step 5 - Click on the Add New Record tab

Step 6 - In Type: Select TXT record from dropdown.

Step 7 - In Host : Add the selector1._domainkey

Step 8 - In value: Put the value that you receive from the email service provider.

Step 9 - Click on save all changes tab

How to setup DMARC for you domain hosted on Namecheap

Step1- sign in to your Namecheap account.

Step 2- Navigate to the “domain list”

Step 3 - You will get directed to the new page Domain List. Click on the manage tab in front of your domain

Step 4 - Navigate to Advanced DNS tab from the top menu bar

Step 5 - Click on the Add New Record tab

Step 6 - In Type: Select TXT record from dropdown.

Step 7 - In Host : Add the _dmarc

Step 8 - In value: Put the value that you receive from the email service provider.

Step 9 - Click on save all changes tab