Set-up Shared Inbox
Finding your Shared Inbox?
You can find it in the Left Pane, just click on the Inbox Icon and get started.

Add your inbox
You can add a new inbox by clicking on the Add New Inbox button -> Select an email from the dropdown of connected mailboxes -> Give a name to the particular Inbox -> Manage Permissions -> Choose if you want to Sync Old emails.
While setting up the Inbox, a user has to select which role has the ability to view the added inbox, while adding Inbox.
Shared inbox is used by teams that have created special email addresses only for outreach campaigns. Do not use a personal email that has sensitive data as all the information would be accessed by the roles assigned.

Reply Sentiment
Users can now add a sentiment to any email that would help to understand the health of the sales pipeline, to add a sentiment just select the sentiment from the dropdown right below the subject line of the email.

**Later, users can filter all their emails by different sentiment as well and see all the mails under any particular Sentiment**

Viewing emails and sections (Prospects, Non-Prospects, Done & Snoozed)
The all new Shared Inbox comes with Quick tabs of Prospects, Non-Prospects, Done, Snoozed and Sent. Users can now keep track of all the emails within SmartReach itself.

Updated 6 months ago